What is your public IP address

Your personal IP address is:
, Ashburn, Virginia, | |
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41862 |
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What is the IP address?
The IP address stands for Internet Protocol Address. The Internet Protocol is a set of rules for communicating over the Internet, such as sending mail, streaming video, or connecting to a website. An IP address identifies a network or device on the Internet.
What Do Network Protocols Do?
Internet protocols manage the process of assigning an IP address to each device. The IP address is unique. This makes it easy to see which devices on the Internet, are sending, requesting and receiving information and what information it is.
How does the IP address work?
The IP address has the same purpose as the phone number. Identify the device, in this case the device that connects to the internet, and make the connection with the website you are visiting, which in turn can identify you and monitor traffic.
What is the difference between an IPv4 IP address and an IPv6?
There are two types of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6. The difference between the two is all in the number of digits that compose them. The IPv4 addresses contain a series of four numbers ranging from 0 (excluding the first) to 255. Each number is separated from the next by a full stop. For example, is a type of IPv4 address.
The IPv6 addresses contain eight groups of four hexadecimal digits. The groups of four hexadecimal digits are separated by colons.
What does the IP address consist of?
The IP address consists of two parts: the first part is the network ID, which includes the first three numbers of the address, the last number being the host ID. So considering the IP, we can say that 121.122.123 is the network ID while 124 is the host ID.
The network ID indicates which network the device is on. The host ID identifies the specific device on that network.
Can you hide the IP address?
Yes, if you don't want to show your IP address you can mask it using a virtual private network (VPN). VPN prevents your network from revealing your IP address.
When was the IP address invented?
The IPv4 address dates back to the early 1980s, when the Internet was a private network used for military purposes. The Internet, in fact, was initially designed for the secure and fast delivery of military communications in the period of the cold war. The subsequent civil significance of this project and the growing diffusion of connected devices (tablets, personal computers, smartphones, etc.) led to the creation of an impressive number of IPv4 addresses until they were almost exhausted.
This is why IPv6 was conceived about ten years ago. This series of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits is able to guarantee the creation of an enormous quantity of IP addresses, avoiding the danger of running out of them. IPv6 is slowly replacing IPv4, but both are currently in use.
What is a public IP address?
A public IP address is an IP address used to access the Internet. Having a public IP address on your router or computer allows you to organize your server (VPN, FTP, WEB, etc.), to remotely access your computer or video surveillance cameras from anywhere on the global network. The public IP address is assigned to the network router by the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
What is a private IP address?
The private IP address is an internal address and works only within a local network (for example it identifies the PCs of a company network). It does not allow access to the internet and therefore internet cannot send data. Devices that are in the local network can communicate with each other without the help of the internet.
In the case of local networks, the connection to the Internet can be made via NAT (Network Address Translation) which replaces the private IP address with a public IP address. Private IP addresses within the same local network are unique and cannot be duplicated.
What is the difference between public IP and private IP?
The main difference between public and private IP addresses is the distance they can reach and what they are connected to. A public IP address is your identity on the Internet and makes sure that the information you are looking for on the net can find you. A private IP address is used within a private (local) network and ensures a secure connection with other devices on the same network.
What does static IP address mean?
The static IP address is assigned by the Internet service provider (ISP) and its characteristic is to always remain the same. In practice, the static IP never changes. Usually it is attributed to servers or other important equipment. Static IP is often preferred in corporate settings, while dynamic IP is more popular for home use.
What are the advantages of a static IP address?
Static IP address is much easier to set up and manage with DNS servers. Also, static IP address makes it easier for client to find you via DNS. This means that client will find more easily your site and/or the services that you are offering.
The static IP address simplifies remote work through the use of a virtual private network (VPN) or other remote access programs.
The IP address static ensures more reliable communication in case of teleconferences or other voice and video communications as it simplifies the use of the Voice over Internet Protocol, the so-called VoIP.
What are the disadvantages of a static IP address?
The static IP address is more easily hackable because it is easy to identify the location of the server in the boundless space of the Internet, it is more expensive than a dynamic IP and can create real problems in terms of security. Unfortunately, anyone who has all the useful tools and skills to break the network can trace the physical location of the device to which that specific static IP is associated.